Software Quality Assurance Syllabus for Beginners and Testing Professionals

Have you ever been thought of becoming a QA software testing professional, and wanted to know what you will learn during the training? After reading the content, you will probably have a good idea of assignments, projects, exams. This QA syllabus is designed for beginners and existing testing professionals, it covers components of software quality assurance systems before, during, and after software development.

Quality assurance is a systematic process of determining whether products delivered without any defect. Software quality assurance is a continuous validation process to test every product that is developed during the project to ensure it meets the customer needs. We recommend it is essential to read and understand the quality assurance syllabus before participating in the training. The objective of the curriculum is to give a clear view of the course from where a participant can focus and discuss to learn or develop the testing skills to find software tester or QA engineer jobs. The below-given lesson topics prepared by certified trainers and real-time test engineers in software products.

1. Basic Course - Session 1: Introduction to software testing

  • Importance of testing, testing as a career

  • Difference between Project and product

  • Difference between Quality Assurance and Quality Control

  • Tool selection criteria

  • Manual and automation testing

  • Roles and Responsibilities of Business Analyst, Developers, Architects, Testing Team (Lead, Manager), Manual and Automation Testers, Project Managers, Configuration Management team, end users, clients and others.

2. Session 2: Software Development Life Cycles (SDLC)

  • Software Development Life Cycle Stages

  • Software Development Methodologies

  • Cost of defect repair

  • Risk of inadequate testing

3. Session 3: Requirement Document

  • Understanding Requirement Documents (SRS, BRD, FRD)

  • Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC)

  • Types of Software Applications, Web applications, Windows-based applications and Intranet applications

  • Difference between Development, test and production environment

4. Session 4: Types of testing

  • Dynamic Testing: Black Box Testing, White box testing, Grey box testing,

  • Functional Testing: GUI Testing, Boundary Value Analysis, Equivalence Class Partition, Error guessing, Negative testing, Back End testing, Database Testing, Compatibility Testing, Security testing, Portability testing, Configuration Testing, Recovery testing.

  • Performance testing: Load testing, Stress testing, Soak testing, Spike testing, Scalability testing, Volume testing

  • Other good to know testing: Unit Testing, Integration Testing, Regression Testing, Sanity Testing, System Testing, Acceptance Testing, Non-Functional Testing, Compatibility Testing, Data Flow/Control Testing.

5. Session 5: Test Cases

  • Test cases and use case design

  • Test Case Parameters

  • Write/Review/Execute Test cases

  • Test Case Design Templates

  • Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM)

  • Setting up Test Data

  • Importance of Test Data in Testing

  • Gathering Test Data

  • Advantages of Test Data Gathering

  • Managing Test data and creating Data Repositories

6. Session 6: Bug/Defect/Error

  • What is Bug?

  • Difference between Bug and Defect

  • Format of Bug

  • Priority and Severity

  • Different status of bug in Bug life cycle

  • Bug Reporting tools JIRA/Bugzilla/Quality Center

7. Session 7: Test Strategy and Execution

  • Learn Test Execution Life Cycle Process

  • Understand Different levels of Test Execution

  • Sanity/ Smoke Testing

  • Test Batches or Test Suite Preparation and Execution

  • Retesting

  • Regression Testing, What is Bug Leakage

  • Test Design

8. Session 8: Test Plan

  • What is Test Plan?

  • Contents of test plan

  • Master test plan and testing level test plan

  • Entry and Exit criteria

  • Test Coverage

  • Test Responsibilities

  • Adhoc testing, Exploratory Testing

  • General risks in test environment

9. Session 9: Automation Testing – Basics

  • Introduction to Automation Testing

  • What is Automation testing

  • Benefits of Automation Testing

  • Various Automation Test Tools

  • Tool selection criteria

  • Introduction to HP - Quality Center

  • Introduction to QTP 10.0 and 11.5 (UFT)

  • Basics of VB Scripting

  • Introduction to Selenium

  • Introduction to Load Runner

10. Advanced Course - Session 1: Automation

  • Automation testing and benefits

  • Manual VS Automated testing

  • Automation testing tools and tool selection criteria

  • Introduction, overview to Quick Test Pro (QTP), QTP10.0, 11.5 QTP, and QTP commands.

  • Quick test window, Quick test window layout, commands

  • Creating and executing basic test, recording, understanding and executing a test.

  • Different recording levels (standard, analog, low-level and insight recording)

  • Analyzing quick test level.

11. Session 2: Object Repository

  • Working on test objects and object repository

  • Configuring Object Identification

  • Managing object repository

  • Merging shared object repository,

  • Associating hared object repository to a test.

12. Session 3: Script enhancement

  • Synchronization of tests

  • Options to synchronize tests

  • Adding comments to scripts

  • Working and introduction of data tables

  • Recovery scenarios: introduction, definition, usage, managing, recovering scenarios. Associating recovery scenarios to test.

  • Importing and exporting data from a text file, spreadsheet, database.

13. Session 4: Actions and functional Lib

  • Introduction, benefits and working with actions.

  • Creating tests with multiple actions.

  • Creating user-defined functions, its advantages, splitting actions functions, creating generic functions.

14. Session 5: check point and output values

  • Introduction to checkpoints, adding a checkpoint to test, while recording, while editing. Types of checkpoints

  • Parameterization: Introduction to parameterizing tests, parameterizing a test manually and using data table

  • Output values: Introduction to output values, creating storing and viewing output values, Categories of output values.

15. Session 6: Selenium

  • Fundamentals of Selenium, overview, presentation, export features, installation, Selenium IDE and web driver.

  • Test application with Selenium IDE, RC VS web driver, how to create test drive with web drive.

16. Session 7: HP Load Runner

  • Introduction to load runner and usage

  • Comparison with other open source tools

  • Virtual User Generator

  • How to record a script in Vugen,

  • Introduction to Load runner controller, load generator, configuration of load generator

  • Usage of ramp-up, ramp-down.

  • What are Test Runs and Test instances

  • Creating Defects during Execution

  • Understand about verification points

  • Defects module

  • How to create a defect

  • Types of Defects, Entire Defect Life Cycle

  • Defect Management, Defect Graphs and Reports, Reports with Document Generator.

17. Session 8: HP Load Runner advanced topics

  • Introduction to Correlation

  • How to perform Auto-Correlation

  • How to perform Manual Correlation

  • Using dynamic value

  • Using Load Runner Analysis

  • How to create a Professional Report in Load Runner Analysis, Using Diagnostics, Using Performance Center

18. Session 9: My SQL

  • Introduction to the data base.

  • Database Verification and Validation

  • MySQL Database, Comparison with Popular Databases – Oracle, MS SQL Server, IBM DB2

  • Structured Query Language (SQL)

  • Data Definition Language (DDL)

  • Data Manipulation Language (DML)

  • Introduction to Tables, Rows, Columns

  • What are a Foreign Key, Primary Key and Unique Key

  • What are DDL and DML, (DML) Select, Update, Delete and Insert Into statements

  • (DDL) Create, Alter, Drop statements.

19. Session 10: HP Quality Center

  • HP Quality Center Overview

  • Requirements Module

  • Creating different types of Requirements

  • Creating traceability between requirements and Tests

  • Importing Requirements,

  • Requirements Graphs and Reports

  • Test Plan Module,

  • How to create Manual Test Cases

  • Creating Parameters

  • Versioning and Baselining

  • Importing Test cases

  • Test case graphs and reports

  • Test Lab Module

  • How to create Test Sets, 

  • Linking Test cases to Test Sets

  • Executing Test Cases

  • Test Dependencies and Conditions

  • What are Test Runs and Test instances

  • Creating Defects during Execution

  • Understand about verification points

  • Defects Module

  • How to create a defect

  • Types of Defects

  • Entire Defect Life Cycle

  • Defect Management

  • Defect Graphs and Reports

  • Reports with Document Generator

20. Session 11: Bug Reporting

  • What is Bug Reporting?

  • Most popular Test Reporting Tools

  • Jiri - Test Reporting Tool for Agile Software Development and Testing

  • Bugzilla - Test Reporting Tool for Agile Software Development and Testing

  • Backlog Tracking with Bugzilla

  • Issues Management with Bugzilla, Bug Reporting and Tracking with Bugzilla

21. Session 12: Web Services Testing

  • Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), who uses SOA

  • WebServices, Why Web Services are Being Used? What is WSDL? , Web Service Standards, tools to test Web services, how to test web services, why to test web services.

  • Understanding WSDL, how is it used, specifications, document, and file, Retrieving and Viewing/ Inspecting WSDL file.

  • SOAP, SOAPUI Pro Tool, SoapUI tool, SOAP, download and installation RESTFul Service

  • WebServices in Real Time using SoapUI Tool

  • SOAPUI Tool Installation and Practice

  • XML, Request, Response XML, WSDL Files

22. Session 13: ETL Testing, Data warehouse Testing

  • ETL & Data Warehousing, Extraction, Transformation, Loading

  • Introduction to Dataware house

  • Purpose of DWH with examples

  • DWH Architecture

  • OLTP System VS OLAP System

  • Fact table, Dimension table

  • Fact vs. Dimension

  • Star Schema

  • Snowflake Schema

  • DWH Tools (different types of DWH tools)

  • Types of databases used in ETL testing

  • Data mapping document

  • Testing tools used for ETL testing

  • Process flow in ETL Testing

  • Writing test cases for mapping documents

  • UNIX Commands for ETL Testing

  • SQL Queries and SQL Joins for ETL Testing

23. Session 14: Mobile App Testing

  • Mobile Applications and Mobile Application Testing.

  • Differences between Mobile and Mobile application testing

  • Differences between Native, Hybrid and Mobile Web application.

  • Complexity of mobile testing domain

  • Network related applications and Other applications

  • Recommended strategy for mobile application testing

24. Session 15: Mobile Platforms and testing

  • Types of Mobiles; Android, iOS, Windows7

  • Mobile testing and Mobile application testing strategy, How to choose which devices to test, planning what to test and how to review strategy

  • Unique challenges in mobile application testing

  • Building a Mobile Testing Strategy

  • Simulators and Emulators, how to configure emulator


  • Mariam Aslam


    Reply | 10 Feb, 2022
    • 1882


      11 Feb, 2022
  • Mariam Aslam


    Reply | 10 Feb, 2022
  • Roshan Lal

    How to reach instructor for enrollment?

    Reply | 08 Mar, 2023

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