UK introduces new visa category for immigrants: Here are professional visa options you can apply through

  oliver oliver   6119   18 Jul, 2023 


Apart from the United States, one of the top destinations that immigrants consider moving to is the United Kingdom. But, it has never been easy to acquire UK visa considering the strict immigration rules. However, much has changed in the recent years with `number of avenue opening up to invite foreign skilled workers. Apart from work visa, today there are a number of other visa routes available that might also be beneficial for entrepreneurs, innovators, investors, and startups, Yash Dubal, immigration expert and director of A Y & J Solicitors, said. UK Innovator Founder Visa The UK government introduced a new visa category in April, replacing the previous Innovator and Start-up visas. This visa offers various benefits, including no minimum investment requirement, reduced check-ins with endorsing bodies, permission for secondary employment, and a direct path to UK settlement. To qualify, applicants must have an innovative, viable, and scalable business idea, having either generated or significantly contributed to it. Once approved, applicants can come to the UK to implement their business plans, work for the established business. Validity: Initially, a three-year permission is granted, after which applicants can apply for indefinite leave to remain. Dependents of the innovative founder can also join them in the UK. How to apply: The process involves obtaining an endorsement letter from an authorized body, which is then submitted with the online application and required documentation. The application fee for this Innovator Founder route is £1036, and applicants must also pay the immigration health surcharge. The Permitted Paid Engagement (PPE) Visit The PPE Visit visa is tailored for professionals and experts seeking to visit the UK for temporary engagements within their field. The visa is commonly used by individuals in specific professions such as artists, entertainers, musicians, sportspersons, examiners, lecturers, and lawyers. Validity: This visa grants access for up to a month and is suitable for individuals aged 18 and above. How to apply: To be eligible, applicants must possess a pre-arranged permitted paid engagement supported by a formal invitation from a UK-based organization or client in their area of expertise. It is crucial that applicants do not engage in prohibited activities and have sufficient funds to cover their visit expenses, without relying on employment or public funds. The current application fee for a PPE Visit visa stands at £100. The UK Expansion Worker This visa option is a part of the Global Business Mobility (GBM) visa program, replacing the Sole Representative Visa. It enables employees of established overseas businesses to come to the UK and establish their first branch or subsidiary. Applicants must be at least 18 years old and employed by the overseas business, which will fully own the subsidiary being established. Generally, applicants should have worked for the business for a minimum period, except for certain exceptions. This visa can only be utilized if the subsidiary hasn't commenced trading in the UK. The UK Expansion Worker visa is granted for 12 months after the start date of the job on the sponsorship certificate or 14 days after the the start date of the job on the sponsorship certificate or 14 days after the end date of that job, whichever is shorter. The maximum time an individual can stay in the UK on a UK Expansion Worker visa is 2 years. The Global Talent visa This visa category is designed for those classified as a leader or potential leader in academia or research, culture and digital technology. It is for individuals at both the established and early stages of the career spectrum in fields such as science, engineering, technology, medicine, art and humanities to come to the UK, without the need for a job offer. It replaced the Tier 1 (Exceptional Talent) visa in 2020. Applicants must meet a number of eligibility requirements, and unless they hold an international prize such a Nobel prize, will need to be endorsed by one of six bodies based in the UK. GTV holders can take work for an employer, be self-employed or become a director of a company, although any work should be within the field for which they have been endorsed. Studying is also permitted, subject to conditions. Qualifying dependents can accompany GTV holders. ·


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