financial cooperation for the production

FINANCIAL COOPERATION REQUIRED We Microwave Research & Development Corporation request you to cooperate us financially (as per your wish) for the production and marketing of our newly Developed product E-Rickshaw Meter having facility to show the battery voltage, % charge and gravity of battery .It is a unique product developed by us for E- Rickshaw industry in India. We are very small company and facing financial Crunch for the procurement of raw material, production and marketing of our product. Your timely help can change the future of our company and help us in establishing in E-vehicle industry which the future of automobile industry in India and world. Please cooperate us financially as per your wish. We will return the amount as the company start earning profit. Your timely cooperation will give us strength to our company , boost our moral to develop other products by research and development and employment to many skilled and unskilled workers. The photo of the product is pasted below. For more information about company please visit on


  • Contact Name Vivek Sharma
  • Contact Number 9716790113
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  • Ad Expiry Date 2019-01-31


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